Unseen Passeges
•How to Attempt an Unseen Passages :-
1. सर्वप्रथम गद्यांश को आत्मविश्वास के साथ एकाग्रता व ध्यानपूर्वक से पढ़ें और विषय-सामग्री को समझने का प्रयास करें।
2. महत्त्वपूर्ण वाक्यों को गहराई से समझें क्योंकि इसी प्रकार के वाक्यों पर आधारित प्रश्न पूछा गया होगा।
3. आपको गद्यांश के मुख्य विचारों से ही अवगत होना है, यह आवश्यक नहीं कि पढ़ते समय प्रत्येक शब्द समझ में आ जाये।
4. अब गद्यांश को पुन: पढ़िये एवं प्रश्नों के उत्तरों की तलाश कीजिए।
5. प्रश्न का उत्तर उसी Tense में देना चाहिए जिस Tense में प्रश्न पूछा गया है।
6. प्रश्नों का उत्तर सटीक हो। जहाँ तक सम्भव हो, अपने शब्दों तथा सरल वाक्यों उत्तर देना अच्छा रहता है।
7. प्रायः प्रत्येक परिच्छेद में एक प्रश्न शब्दार्थ पर आधारित होता है। प्रश्न में परिच्छेद में दिये हुए शब्द का अर्थ दिया होता है। उसी अर्थ को प्रकट करने वाले शब्द को परिच्छेद से चुनकर आपको लिखना है।
8. Passage में पूछे गये questions जिन question-words से प्रारम्भ होते हैं उनके अर्थ तथा आशय निम्नलिखित होते हैं -
(a) What क्या वस्तु या विचार के लिए
(b) Which कौन-सा, कौन-सी जीव, वस्तु के विचार के लिए
(c) Who कौन, किन्होंने, किसने व्यक्ति के लिए
(d) Whom किसे, किससे, किन्हें व्यक्ति के लिए
(e) Whose किसका, किसकी, किसके, किनके व्यक्ति, वस्तु या विचार के लिए
(f) When कब /किस समय समय जानने या पूछने के लिए
(g) Where कहां, किस जगह स्थान के लिए
(h) Why क्यों, किसलिए कारण जानने के लिए
(i) How कैसे/ कितने / कितनी तरीका, उम्र या हालात जानने के लिए
(j) How much कितना, कितनी मात्रा या मूल्य के लिए
(k) How many कितने, कितनी संख्या जानने/ पूछने के लिए
(l) How long कब तक, कब से समय की अवधि के लिए
(m) How far कितनी दूर दूरी के लिए
(n) How old कितनी उम्र का या कितना पुराना उम्र जानने के लिए
(o) How Often कितनी बार बारम्बारता के लिए
• प्रश्न का pattern सामान्यतः निम्न प्रकार का होता है -
Question word + Helping Verb + Subject + Verb + ?
उत्तर लिखते समय Question word को छोड़कर वाक्य को Subject से आरंभ करते है फिर Helping verb, तथा फिर उत्तर के शेष भाग को लिखते है :-
Subject + Helping verb + Answer
Ex. What is Ram doing ? Ram is playing Pyano.
Notes :-
1.जिन प्रश्नों में Helping Verb (do, does या did) का प्रयोग होता है। उनके उत्तरों में इन Helping Verbs का प्रयोग नहीं होता, does की स्थिति में Verb में s/es लगाते हैं, do की स्थिति में Verb की First form (बिना s/es के) रखते हैं तथा did की स्थिति में Verb को Second form में रखते हैं। जैसे
Q. Where does Lavisha live ? Ans. She lives in Delhi. (.....does.....live = lives)
Q. How did you go to agra ? Ans. I went to Agra by air. (...did...go= went)
2. लेकिन यदि प्रश्न Negative हो तो इन्हीं Helping Verbs (do,does,did) को उत्तर में लिखते है।
Q. What do you not take for breakfast ? Ans. I do not tea for breakfast.
Q. Why didn't you get up earliar? Ans. I didn't get up earliar because I had gone to bed late.
3. Why से प्रारंभ होने वाले प्रश्नों के उत्तरों में connective के रूप में प्राय: because का प्रयोग किया जाता है जब उत्तर एक clause में हो।
Q. Why did Ram killed Ravan ? Ans. Ram killed Ravan because the latter had kidnapped the former's wife, Sita.
कुछ उत्तरों में Indefinite (to+verb) का भी प्रयोग करते है।
Q. Why did you go to Agra ? Ans. I went to agra to see the Taj Mahal.
4. जिन प्रश्नों के मध्य में 'there' का प्रयोग किया जाता है, उनके उत्तर भी प्राय: 'there' से ही प्रारंभ होते है।
Q. How many students are there in your school ? Ans. There are 800 students in my school.
5. Who वाले प्रश्नों के उत्तरों में 'who' के स्थान पर वांछित उत्तवर का शब्द (प्राय: कोई व्यक्ति) अथवा Phrase रखकर शेष शब्दों को ज्यों का त्यों रख देते है तथा कुछ 'what' वाले प्रश्नों के उत्तर भी इसी प्रकार दिए जाते है।
Q. Who became the first Prime Minister of India ? Ans. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India.
Q. What makes you laugh ? Ans. His way of talking makes me laugh.
Unseen Passages (Type -2)
Note making & Abstraction
1. Note Making का उद्देश्य है बहुत ज्यादा सूचनाएं का अतिसूक्ष्म रूप में लेखन, ताकि इसे याद रखा जा सके।
अच्छे नोट्स के गुण
(2) इनमें दी गई जानकारी के मुख्य बिंदु शामिल किए जाते है।
(3) इनमें सूचनाओं को संक्षिप्त टिप्पणियों के रूप में सूचीबद्ध किया जाता है।
- पूर्ण वाक्यों का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता।
- सूचना को अंकों, शब्दों तथा अन्य प्रतीकों के द्वारा तर्कसम्मत रूप से विभाजित-उपविभाजित किया जाता है।
- संक्षिप्त शब्दों तथा प्रतीकों का उपयोग करते है।
Class 9
Read the passege given below and answer the questions that follow :
Gautam Buddha is also known as Mahatma Buddha and Bhagwan Buddha. His childhood name was Siddharth. He was born in 563 BC.
The name of his mother was Mahamaya. His wife’s name was Yashodhara. He was of a very contemplative mind from his childhood. He always looked for peace around him.
One day, when a son was born to him at the age of thirty, he realized that his life was going through difficulties.
So, one night he left his house, wife and son without informing anyone.
The reason for leaving his royal house was to seek peace around him. After several years of rigorous penance, he attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.
After this, he was transformed from Gautam Buddha to Bhagwan Buddha.
Questions :-
1. At what age was a son born to Gautam Buddha?
2. Why did Gautam Buddha leave his royal home?
3. What was his wife’s name?
4. Write the other names of Gautam Buddha.
5. Give the synonyms of the bold words.
Answers :-
1. A son was born to Gautam Buddha at the age of thirty.
2. Gautam Buddha left his royal house to seek peace.
3. His wife’s name was Yashodhara.
4. Mahatma Buddha and Bhagwan Buddha.
5. Contemplative – Considerate and Enlightenment – knowledge
Read the passege given below and answer the questions that follow :
Who doesn’t know Subhas Chandra Bose? He was one of the greatest leaders of India. He played an important role in getting India’s independence. One of his famous slogans was ‘Tum Mujhe Khoon Do, Main Tumhe Azadi Dunga’.
All the countrymen used to call him by the name of Netaji. Due to his ludicrous antics, he was sent to jail many times.
He was born in 1897 in Cuttack, Odisha. He also formed an army that was named Azad Hind Fauj. The Azad Hind Fauj was formed by Subhas Chandra Bose to fight the British in the Second World War.
He raised the slogan of ‘Delhi Chalo’ at the Town Hall of Singapore and fought the British along with the Japanese army.
Questions –
1. When was Netaji born?
2. What was the slogan given by Netaji at the Town Hall of Singapore?
3. What was the name of Netaji’s army?
4. How was Netaji related to Odisha?
5. What was the most famous slogan of Subhas Chandra Bose?
Answers –
1. Netaji was born in 1897.
2. The slogan given by Netaji at the Town Hall of Singapore was Delhi Chalo.
3. Netaji’s army name was Azad Hind Fauj.
4. Odisha was the birthplace of Netaji.
5. The most famous slogan of Subhas Chandra Bose was " Tum Mujhe Khoon Do, Main Tumhe Azadi Dunga."
Class -10
Read the passege given below and answer the questions that follow :
After the emperor had left, a crowd of people came to see me. I was a novelty in that island because these people had never seen someone of my size before. Some of the tiny people aimed arrows at me. One arrow nearly shot into my eye. These people were handed over to me to punish as I pleased. To give them a fright I pretended I was going to eat one of them, and I put the others in my pocket. When I took out my penknife, they were terrified but I cut the cords of each of these tiny people and put them on the ground. People went the Emperor who in return of my kindness to his people decided that I would not be killed. On the Emperor,s orders, six cows and forty sheep were to be milked everyday to provide me with milk. My clothes were to be made by three hundred tailors and I was to have six hundred attendants lo look after me. I was to be taught the local language by six teachers.
1.Why did a crowd of people come to see the author?
2.Where did the arrow shoot the speaker?
3.How did the author frighten the people who were shooting arrows at him?
4.How did the speaker terrify the little people?
5.What did the Emperor decide?
6.Write the word from the passage which means very small’.
7.Write the word from the passage which means ‘give’.
Answers :
1. Because they had never seen any man of the author’s size before.
2. The arrow nearly shot into the speaker’s eye.
3. The author pretended that he was about to eat one of them.
4. The author took out his penknife to terrify the little people.
5. The emperor decided that the author would not be killed.
6. Tiny
7. Provide
Read the passege given below and answer the questions that follow :
What are volcanoes ? In appearance it looks like a cone-shaped mountain. But the top of the cone is rather flat and hollow. This is the crater, which is as it were the mouth of the volcano. The volcano is formed by matter rock coming up from the earth’s crust, by molten rock we mean which is so hot that it runs like liquid. This rock is called lava.
Imagine a short pipe coming up from deep down in the earths’ surface passing through the rocks of the earth’s crust and coming up to the crater. The lava forces its way up this pipe and overflows to form the sides of the volcanoes. The volcanoes mountain is therefore found in the areas where the earth’s surface is for some reason weak and cannot resist the pressure of the molten lava.
One of the most famous volcanoes eruptions of ancient times was of Mount Vesuvius near Naples in 79 AD. Some neighboring towns were buried under huge amount of ash. The ash preserved the bodies of many of the victims which can still be seen today.
Questions :
1. What do we call the top of volcanoes?
2. How does a volcano look like?
3. Where are the volcanoes mostly found?
4. When did the Mount Vesuvius erupt?
5.How is lave formed?
6.What is called ‘crust' ?
7. Find out the word from the passage which means ‘hot molten material’.
Answers :
1. The top of the volcano is called crater.
2. A volcano looks like a cone-shaped mountain.
3. Volcanoes are commonly found in the areas where the earth’s surface is weak and it cannot resist the pressure of the molten lava.
4. The Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.
5. Lave is formed by molten rocks. They are very hot, and runs like liquid.
6 The upper part of the earth is called crust.
7. Lava
Read the passege given below and answer the questions that follow :
A man moved into a new house and found that he had two blacksmiths for neighbours. One lived in a hut on his left and the other in a hut on his right. They were a source of a great annoyance to him as the blows of their hammers hardly ever stopped during the day. Finally he could bear it no and calling in Kengu, the blacksmith on his left, he offered him fifty rupees if he would move to another hut. Kengu agreed to do so and took the money. When Pengu, the other blacksmith was offered a similar sum, he too agreed to move. The man was quite pleased with himself, a hundred rupees was not too much for some peace and quiet.
The next morning he woke up to the sound of hammer blows like thunder. He rushed out of the house to ask the blacksmiths why they had not kept their word. But he found that Kengu had moved into Pengu's hut and Pengu into Kengu's.
1. Write the letter of the correct answer
The man gave fifty rupees each to Pengu and Kengu -
(a) not to blow hammers in daytime.
(b) to move to another hut somewhere else.
(c) to exchange their huts.
(d) to live there in peace and quiet.
2. Why were the blacksmiths a source of great annoyance to the man?
3. What did the man do to stop hammer's blows in his neighbour ?
4. Why was the man happy when yhe blacksmiths took the money ?
5. What did the man find next morning ?
6. What did the man say to the blacksmiths when he heard the hammer blows the next morning?
7. How did Kengu and Pengu keep their word?
8. "They were a source of great annoyance to him...........' What does the word 'They' here refer to ?
9. What did the man find out in the end ?
10. Find the words from the passage which mean-
(i) persons make things in iron
(ii) persons living next.
1. To move another hut someone else
2. The blows of the blacksmiths' hammers annoyed the man.
3. The man paid fifty rupees to each blacksmith to go to some other hut. The blacksmiths agreed to it.
4. The man was happy because he thought that he had purchased peace for one hundred rupees only.
5. The next morning the man again heard the hammer blows.
6. The man said that they had not kept their word.
7. Kengu and Pengu had moved from their previous huts. They exchanged their huts.
8. The two blacksmiths-Kengu and Pengu.
9. In the end the man found out that Kengu had moved into Pengu's hut and Pengu into Kengu's.
10. (i) blacksmiths (ii) neighbours.